Privacy policy




The owner of the website and responsible for the treatment, GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L.  with residence at Ctra. Simat, 14 of Xàtiva (46800) Valencia and CIF: B-97688527 is the owner of the site and puts it to the disposition of the Internet users, with the goal of providing information of the services that GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. provides, as well as to allow the provision of services through the Portal.

Contact Information

Contact Phone: 96 222 97 76

For any management or request regarding the privacy of GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L., the user could contact us through our electronic mail


With what purpose we treat its data?

GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. informs the user of the existence of the personal data treatment (named *WEB USER*) created with the data obtained from the web site from and for GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. and under its responsibility.

This treatment has been created with the objective of facilitating information about the provision of the services offered by the Portal, as well as attend and manage the queries made by users through this channel.


The retention of the data the users have given us varies depending on the type it is:

  • In the case of the consultations: Once answered it will be available during the year.
  • In case of having any of our service: For the duration of the contractual relationship.


Which is the legitimation of the data treatment?

The legal base for the user’s data treatment with the consent of the interested.

Likewise, the prospective offer of the services is based in the consent that is requested to the user without any case of withdrawal of consent conditions and the execution of other purposes.

The user doesn’t have any obligation of facilitating us its personal data, but in case of not facilitating us the minimum requested data, some operations wouldn’t be able to be done in our site, such as attending the queries, contacting, leaving a comment, participating and accessing some web sections.

Also, we inform that the user could revoke the contentment of the gathering and treatment of their data and personal in each moment, through the procedure that we establish for it, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.


What receivers get communicated its data?

Los The gathered data from this web through the forms filled by the users won’t be given to the third parties and will only be handed to other companies in charge of the treatment of personal data, and that only treat the data as strict indications that GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. establish with said managers. In each case the data will be communicated in the European Union space with only objectives explained previously.


 What are its rights when you gave us your data?

The users of the site GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. are guaranteed the rights that establish the legislation regarding the Protection of Personal Data:

In first place, the user has the rights to obtain a confirmation if GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. are managing with important personal data or not.

Los usuarios tendrán derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, así como a solicitar la rectificación de los datos que sean inexactos o, en su caso, solicitar su supresión, oposición o limitación cuando, entre otros motivos, los datos ya no sean necesarios para los fines que fueron recogidos, así como la portabilidad para facilitar sus datos personales a un nuevo responsable.

Users will have the right to access their personal data, as well as requesting the rectification of personal data that are inexact, or in its cases, or in any case asking to delete restrict or suppress the data that it’s not needed any more for the objective its was gathered, as well as its portability to be able to hand them to a new responsible.

The users have the rights to stand against the treatment of their personal data, this is why GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. will stop managing their data, in case there are some existent imperious or legitimate motives, or the defense exercise for possible claims.

The users have the option of requesting GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. to limit it’s the managing of their personal data when the requirements from the UE Regulation 2016/679 and the Organic Law 3/2018, from the 5th of December, of the Personal Data Protection and the warranty of the digital rights.

GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. informs you that we’ve got installed the security measures provided by Indole Tecnica and other types of security to guarantee the safeness your personal data, and to prevent its modification, loss or its unauthorized access, due to the RGPD 2016/679 from the 27th of April 2016 and the Organic Law 3/2018, from the 5th of December, made by the department of Personal Data Protection and the digital rights.

Lastly, we inform that if there is anyone interested he/she can present a reclamation sheet to the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, especially when they are not satisfied with the management of their rights.

In the following link you will obtain more information about the reclamations to the Spanish Agency of Data Protection:


GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. will be able to send commercial communications through any media with full respect to the legislation of data protection that at the time is still active.

For the commercial communications done through email and other types of similar medias that have been accepted in the Law 34/2002, from the 11th of July, from the Services of the Society of the Information and the Electronic Commerce, when the gathering of information is about to be done it will only be done under the consent of the User.

The user can revoke at any time the contentment given to the reception of the personal communications with a simple notification to GESTIONES COMERCIALES SPORTIVAS GENOVÉS, S.L. through our email .