4,673 Kms, four friends, 10 days of adventures, five countries and one challenge: to explore the Dolomites by bike.
A GSPORT CUSTOM story by Diego Serrano.
How to start with this adventure... Back in February, as we began to prepare for the Purito 2022, an idea was in our heads. To ride our bikes through the last mountain range that we had yet to unlock, the Dolomitas. A crazy idea, the typical one that comes up between jokes and laughter and that you wouldn't pay attention to. But that's not the case when you have Victor, Pau and Marcos sitting next to you at the same table.
The idea of renting a motorhome and heading to the Dolomitas to do the mythical mountain passes that we had all seen in the Giro and dreamed of climbing one day, sounded more than appetising. Ten days' holiday in September was what we had available.
Five minutes later Marcos was contacting a friend who rented motorhomes. Three days later and almost without realising it, we had almost everything we needed to fulfil this little common dream. More desire and motivation to train, it was everyone's trip.
Such an adventure required a plan, responsibilities were shared, checklists were made for equipment, clothes, utensils, food.... A motorhome with a boot full of bikes did not allow for many concessions.
As the date approached, seeing that the dream was already a reality, we decided to make a joint equipment. We got in touch with Gsport (whose cycling garments we already used on a regular basis for our outings and training) to create a specific one for "THE TRIP".
We went to one of their branches to see the quality and fabrics of the different ranges, all that was left was the creative part. As for the design, we wanted something simple but representative of what we liked most, the mountains. Four bad sketches (one of them on a napkin, where the best ideas end up coming from), a visit to the Gsport designers, and we had a first render. Which, with a couple of tweaks, became the final one.
With everything tied up and the kits at home, we had everything. Our Dolomitas adventure could begin.
You can imagine the rest. A display of mountains, fatigue, stories to tell, friendship... but above all watts, lots of watts. Mortirolo, Stelvio, Marmolada and Gavia are some of the passes that accompanied us in these indescribable ten days.
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