La importancia del estudio biomecánico en el ciclismo
Clínica Heben
In collaboration with Clínic Heben

From the HEBEN CLINIC we know that the biomechanical studies on a general level has generated imporntance in the sports practice.

During the last few years, the health and sports have taken a more fundamental role in our lives. Both have increased considerably in our lives. Therefore, we are more aware when it comes to taking care of our health by including sport in our lives, either at an amateur level or at a more professional level.

Therefore we want to highlitght it in this article: What is this? Why should we take one?

What is a biomechanical study?

It’s a physical examination where the patient is assessed clinically with the objective to know if he has had any type of major injury, afterwards they will evaluate the position of the legs on both states (static and in movement), they will also analize your spine, hip and knees because their because their behavior influences the composition of most of the body.  

This test allows us to find if there is any existent type of biometric mismatch in the musculoskeletal system. This type of mismatches need to be treated as son as posible because if we keep training with an incorrect position it will reflect as discomfort on the bicycle and may end up represented in the form of injury.

The importance of the biomechanical study lies in the results that the application of this science will have on us.

Estuio biomecánico en ciclismo

Why should it be done for the practice of the cyclism?

A biomechanical study will provide us the following results:

  • Improvement of the performance:

The biomechanical study makes posible the perfection of the human body moves. Therefore we can make a more efficient application of our performance during the execution of the sports activity.

  • Prevetion of Injuries:

The biomechanical study is not only going to give us the best body position and information on how to be more eficient while making an effort, it will also identify the bad habits for our body, this will help us reduce considerably de risk of injuries.

  • Comfort:

An optimal design of the sports equipment is fundamental. Currently ergonomics are taken into account by all manufacturers of equipment and sportswear, which makes this material better adapted to human conditions.

  • Final physical assessment:

Once the biomechanical study is finished, we will have a clear physical value of ourselves on top of the bike. However, if there is any type of problem such as strenght distribution problems or movement problems, the profesional will dictate us some excercises to improve in our weakneses and flaws so that we can compensate the musculature, this way we will be able to improve ourselves.  

Estudio biomecánico de la bici

In the Heben Clinic we use the technological system named RETÜL. It is the most advanced biomechanical analysis and study system that exists today. It focuses on making easier to study the position of the biker on top of the bike in order to improve the efficiency and comfort of the cyclist while driving.

Each body is different, with the passage of time our body changes and the position of each cyclist evolves according to their morphological characteristics. The system RETÜL bases itself in 3 concept:

Each body is different, with the passage of time our body changes and the position of each cyclist evolves according to their morphological characteristics.

The system RETÜL bases itself in 3 concept:

  • It's dynamic: It records the movement of the cyclist while pedaling, obtaining the measurements and angles of all joints at any moment of pedaling.  
  • It's precise: The RETÜL system has a milimetric precision. And most importantly, we obtain an analysis of the cyclist's pedaling dynamically (in full effort).
  • It's done in 3D: The RETÜL system deletes the job that professionals usually do with the use of their sight, this gives us precissed information which help us know exactly how the cyclist is pedaling with different angles and milimetrical perfections. Basicly what this does is that it gives the posibilty to find the most optimal position for a cyclist whle he drives.

Basicly what this does is that it gives the posibilty to find the most optimal position for a cyclist whle he drives.


RICARDO MÁRQUEZ, physiotherapist and personal trainer at the Heben Clinic, passionate about achieving the sports health of his patients.

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